
Towards the Inner Vision of the Truth


"He it is Who blesseth you, and His angels (bless you), that He may bring you forth from darkness unto light; and He is ever Merciful to the believers." — Holy Qur'an 33:43


2017 — The Year for Higher Spiritual Enlightenment

Diamond Jubilee Spark :: Recitations of Holy Ginans and Granths for Spiritual Upliftment

Enlightenment Post No. 31 :: Knowledge & Prayers for Advancement

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

Ya Ali Madad! It gives me a great pleasure to inform the global Jamat that, as of yesterday evening, five projects of the recitations of granths of Pir Hasan Kabirdin (r.a.), have been completed in specific Jamat Khanas in Vancouver, BC, Canada. In this enlightenment post, I have provided: (1) the details of these projects; (2) how the initiatives were taken; (3) how the local organization executed the projects; (4) the role played by; and (5) the launch of Moti Venti and Angelic Salwat project for the upcoming Baitul Khyal satado in Canada.

  1. Recitation of Granths in Vancouver, BC, Canada

  2. No. Location Duration Granths Verses Dates Time
    1 Downtown JK,
    49 days Anant Akhado
    & Anant Nâ Nav Chhugâ
    590 May 9-June 26, 2017 Before Bandagi
    2 Headquarters JK,
    40 days Anant Akhado 500 May 31-July 10, 2017 Before Bandagi
    3 Tricities JK,
    40 days Anant Akhado 500 May 31-July 10, 2017 Before Bandagi
    4 Downtown JK,
    7 days Moti Venti 50 July 3-July 9, 2017 Before Bandagi
    5 Downtown JK,
    49 days Anant Akhado
    & Anant Nâ Nav Chhugâ
    590 June 19-Aug. 7, 2017 Before First Dua


  3. The Vancouver Initiative

  4. The Baitul Khyal Mukhi and Kamadia Sahebs & Mukhiani and Kamadiani Sahebas (MKMKs) of Downtown Jamat Khana in Vancouver, BC, Canada took a major initiative to have the recitation of 500 verses of Anant Akhado and 90 verses of Anant Naa Nav Chhuga before bandagi over a period of 49-days. The organization of a project of this scale required a team work which included the Jamati MKMKs, the Baitul Khyal MKMKs, vara coordinators, reciters, backup ginan reciters, project schedule developers and web support for text and audio resources for the 49-day project. The project started on May 9, 2017 and was successfully completed on June 26, 2017.

    There were immediate spinoffs from the above project. The Baitul Khyal MKMKs of Headquarters and Tricities JKs in Vancouver also decided to take a bold initiative to have the recitation of the 500 verses of Anant Akhado over a period of 40 days. These projects started on May 31, 2017 and were completed on July 10, 2017 in the respective JKs.

    The Baitul Khyal MKMKs of the Downtown Jamat Khana in Vancouver also took another initiative and organized the recitation of 50 verses of Moti Venti from July 3 to 9, 2017. This project was also successfully completed before the launch of the Diamond Jubilee year of Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam.

    The Jamati MKMKs of Downtown Jamat Khana also initiated a 49-day project for the recitation of the above granths in evening Jamat Khana, 20 minutes before first Dua. The Anant Akhado recitation started on June 19, 2017 and was successfully completed on July 29, 2017. The Anant Naa Nav Chhuga was completed yesterday, Monday, August 7, 2017.

  5. The Vancouver Local Organization and the Role Played by

  6. Excellent local organization is needed for projects which span over a period of 40 or 49 days. Here are some details of how these projects were run in Vancouver:

    1. The ginan verses were recited around 3.20 a.m. or 3.40 a.m. depending on the day of the week. These structured verses simply replaced the ginan verses which are always being recited in Jamat Khanas. Thus, the recitation of these granths is just a specific application of normal Tariqah practices.

    2. The Baitul Khyal MKMKs asked Mrs. Nusrat Hassam (AKA Nusri Hassam) to be the coordinator for the project. Nusri downloaded Muhammad Shalwani's Anant Akhado & Anant Naa Nav Chhuga Calendar from the website. The calendar is very easy to use and the only data that she needed was either the start date or the end date of the 49-day project. By just replacing the default start or end date in the Excel macro, the data for the project dates and verses to be recited for each day were generated. The output from this macro in MS-Excel corresponds to the handouts prepared for 49 days. These were downloaded from the website.

    3. She also prepared a vara list for her project in Google Docs and shared it with other coordinators and myself. I created a separate directory for her project on the website and developed a custom web-page schedule. The web link was sent to her. The 49 web-pages, specific for each day, were also prepared. The process was repeated for projects at Headquarters and Tricities JKs because the start dates were different.

    4. Handouts and audio resources for the project were downloaded by her through the customized schedule page and the ginan reciters were empowered with text and audio resources. The process was also repeated for projects at Headquarters and Tricities JKs because the start dates were different.

    5. She diligently monitored the step by step execution of the project and developed the human resource of reciters and back-up reciters. She also handled the vara assignments at Downtown Jamat Khana. She also provided guidance and assistance to the Baitul Khayal MKMKs of Headquarters and Tricities Jamat Khanas and trained the volunteers at those Jamat Khanas.

      She has volunteered to help MKMKs and vara coordinators across Canada and can provide practical suggestions on how to run these big projects. I am also volunteering to build custom schedule pages for your projects if these are authorized by Jamati or Baitul Khyal MKMKs of your Jamat Khana or by ITREB. We hope and pray that the 500 verses of Anant Akhado will be recited in 60 Canadian Jamat Khanas during the Diamond Jubilee year! Ameen.

      Please contact me by email and I will also give you Nusri's contacts.

  7. Ready Made Projects at

  8. There has been a marked improvement in the quality of the web pages on the website. The most notable improvement is to provide the texts in three formats and the audio as mp3 files rather than streaming audio.

    The first task is to build customized web-based schedule page. This page also has links to three types of PDF documents for each day as well as for the whole project. The MKMKs, vara coordinators, reciters and backup reciter can see the layout of the project as well as access all the resources from the schedule page.

    The format of handouts is as follows:

    1. English transliteration of ginan verses similar to what is found in Ginan books from the literature desk;

    2. English transliteration and English translation of ginan verses listed sequentially; and

    3. Gujrati text of ginan text. Gujrati translations are not available.

    In addition to the above, mp3 tracks of the ginan verses to be recited for each day and for the whole project are now available. These have replaced the real audio streaming files so now the audio links from the schedule page will download the mp3 tracks to smartphones or other devices.

    We would like to inform the members of the Jamat that enhanced resources are now available on website for conducting the above-mentioned projects. Please visit the following pages:

    1. Moti Venti and Angelic Salwat Project for being blessed with many Batini-Noorani Didars during the Diamond Jubilee year
      (Baitul Khyal Satado Week: August 11, 2017 to August 17, 2017)

    2. Anant Akhado and Angelic Salwat Project for being blessed with many Batini-Noorani Didars during the Diamond Jubilee year
      (Project Duration: 40-days; Dates to be announced)

    3. Anant Nâ Nav Chhugâ and Angelic Salwat Project for being blessed with many Batini-Noorani Didars during the Diamond Jubilee year
      (Project Duration: 9-days; Dates to be announced)
      This project an be executed as a separate, independent mini-project.

    4. Anant Akhado, Anant Naa Nav Chhuga, Divine Names and Angelic Salwat Project for being blessed with many Batini-Noorani Didars during the Diamond Jubilee year. (Project Duration: 49-days; Dates to be announced.)

      In this project, the tasbis derived from the 99 Beautiful Names of Allah also have to be recited. Day specific web pages have been created for this purpose.


  9. Recitation of Moti Venti During the upcoming Baitul Khayal Satado

    The objective of this 7-day project is to recite 50 verses of Moti Vênti and voluminous Angelic Salwat for higher spiritual enlightenment during the Baitul Khyal satado. The duration of this project is 7-days starting from Friday, August 11, 2017 to Thursday, August 17, 2017.

    Moti Vênti can be recited in a 7-day format by murids who take a vow to demonstrate their ardent love and humility to the Holy Imam and beg for spiritual elevation. Please bookmark this page if you are interested to do this project.

    The following resources have been produced for this project:

    Project Details Verses to be Recited Audio
    Project Day
    & Links to Online Version
    Date Day of the Week Granth English transliteration (PDF) English transliteration with meaning (PDF) Gujrati Text (PDF) Download (MP3)
    1 Aug. 11, 2017 Friday Moti Vênti 01 to 07 & 50 01 to 07 & 50 01 to 07 & 50
    2 Aug. 12, 2017 Saturday Moti Vênti 08 to 14 & 50 08 to 14 & 50 08 to 14 & 50
    3 Aug. 13, 2017 Sunday Moti Vênti 15 to 21 & 50 15 to 21 & 50 15 to 21 & 50
    4 Aug. 14, 2017 Monday Moti Vênti 22 to 28 & 50 22 to 28 & 50 22 to 28 & 50
    5 Aug. 15, 2017 Tuesday Moti Vênti 29 to 35 & 50 29 to 35 & 50 29 to 35 & 50
    6 Aug. 16, 2017 Wednesday Moti Vênti 36 to 42 & 50 36 to 42 & 50 36 to 42 & 50
    7 Aug. 17, 2017 Thursday Moti Vênti 43 to 49 & 50 43 to 49 & 50 43 to 49 & 50
    All Moti Vênti Resources Moti Vênti All 50 verses All 50 verses All 50 verses


Angelic Salwat Nazrana:
Let us now start presenting a nazrana of at least 101 salwats or continuous salwat for 3 to 5 minutes to our beloved NOOR Mowlana Shah Karim Al-Hussaini Hazar Imam for the fulfillment of our noble wishes. May our beloved Mowla continually keep us on the Right Path. Ameen.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Allâhumâ salli alâ Muhammadin wa âle Muhammad:
O Allah! Bestow Peace on and through Muhammad and his Descendants

Recited by Noorallah Juma

Al-hamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!

May NOOR Mowlana Shah Karim Al-Hussaini Hazar Imam (a.s.) grant peace, prosperity, happiness, barakat, higher spiritual enlightenment, spiritual & luminous tayid (help) and empowerment to you, your family, your Jamat and the worldwide Jamat! Ameen.

Rakh Mowla je Noor te Yaqeen (Certainly, we trust in Mowla's Light only)

Haizinda — Qayampaya
(Our Present Imam is Living and His NOOR is Eternal)

Your spiritual brother,
Noorallah Juma
Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2017

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