"Praise be to Allah, Who hath created the heavens and the earth, and hath appointed darkness and light." — Holy Qur'an 6:1
40-day Project for Invoking Angelic Salwat for the Benefit of the Whole Humanity and All Departed Souls
(Project Duration: March 21, 2006 to May 15, 2006)
Reflection on the 40 day project
Ya Ali Madad! Let us offer shukrana to our beloved NOOR Mowlana Hazir Imam for inspiring all of us to recite angelic salwats to create sunshine in our hearts and prepare for the celebration of 50 years of glorious Imamat of NOOR Mowlana Hazir Imam. This 40-day project has laid the foundation for reciting angelic salwats and it is my humble request that we all continue to participate in this activity till the end of the celebrations of 50 years of glorious Imamat of NOOR Mowlana Hazir Imam. Let us pray to Mowla for taid and inspiration to make the recitation of the holy salwat part of lifestyle, Ameen. The standard format of these projects is based on the principle of the balance between knowledge and practise. Therefore, I developed 40 questions and answers for the knowledge section and used the Holy salwat as an anchor tasbi. Inshallah, this pattern will be used in future projects. I would like to acknowledge the feedback that I have received and the support of many people who have contributed additional knowledge. Specifically, the contributions of Alwaez Sultanali Nazerali-Walji led to the development of additional postings. On April 27, 2006, I received the e-mail of Sadruddin Noorani of Chicago in which he encouraged each and every Ismaili to recite Salwat, 101 times every day, for the next 14 months and submit that as Nazrana in Mowla's Darbar. I was elated to see that our beloved Mowla had inspired another murid to spread the good word of reciting angelic salwats. At present, there are 710 members on the SalmanSpiritual.com mailing list. As the mailing list is open to the world, the outreach extends to countries such as USA, Canada, Guatemala, Brazil, England, Ireland, UK, Spain, Portugal, France, Syria, Iran, Turkey, UAE, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Japan, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa, Russia and The Gambia. The postings are also being carried by the following groups on Yahoo.com: Ismailisoul (3970 members), Batunimurid (3283 members), Ismailiworld (616 members) and Ismailism (457 members). I thank the moderators of these bulletin boards for their support and especially to Ismailisoul for promoting the work archived on the SalmanSpiritual.com website. Through web technology, spiritual and luminous gems of knowledge are being shared globally. This culmination of the 40-day angelic salwat project is a milestone for completing the foundation of making the recitation of angelic salwats a part of our lifestyles. We now have to build a magnificent castle of angelic salwats which will propel us into the spirituality (ruhaniyyat) and luminosity (nooraniyat) of our Holy NOOR Mowlana Shah Karim Al-Hussaini Hazir Imam. Therefore, let us continue the salwats till the end of the celebrations of 50 years of his glorious Imamat! May more and more Ismaili murids participate in this nazrana of luminous salwats! Ameen.
Peace, light, barakat, tayid, zaheri-noorani and batini-noorani didars, |
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