
Towards the Inner Vision of the Truth


"So believe in Allah and His messenger and the light which We have revealed. And Allah is Informed of what ye do." — Holy Qur'an 64:8

Didar Preparation Gems for Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam's Pradhramani to Canada

:: Didar Post #20: Recite Hazrat Bibi Fatima's (a.s.) Prayer ::

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

Ya Ali Madad. Abu Huraira said that when Fatima went to the Prophet and asked him for a servant, he said, "Let me guide you to something which is better than a servant. You should say 'Glory be to God' (Subhan Allah) thirty-three times, 'Praise be to God' (Al-Hamdu Lillah) thirty-three times, and 'God is most great' (Allahu Akbar) thirty-four times at each time of prayer and when you go to bed."

Let us now recite Hazrat Bibi Fatima's prayer with humility, courage and conviction:

A'uzu billahi minashaitanir rajim
I seek refuge in Allah from the outcast Satan
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Real audio streams:
[1 cycle| 2 cycles| 3 cycles| 4 cycles| 5 cycles]

Allahu Akbar, Subhan Allah, Al-hamdu Lillah  (1)
Allah is Great, Glory be to Allah, Praise be to Allah

Allahu Akbar, Subhan Allah, Al-hamdu Lillah  (2)
Allah is Great, Glory be to Allah, Praise be to Allah

Allahu Akbar, Subhan Allah, Al-hamdu Lillah  (3)
Allah is Great, Glory be to Allah, Praise be to Allah

Allahu Akbar, Subhan Allah, Al-hamdu Lillah  (4)
Allah is Great, Glory be to Allah, Praise be to Allah

Allahu Akbar, Subhan Allah, Al-hamdu Lillah  (5)
Allah is Great, Glory be to Allah, Praise be to Allah

Allahu Akbar, Subhan Allah, Al-hamdu Lillah  (6)
Allah is Great, Glory be to Allah, Praise be to Allah

Allahu Akbar, Subhan Allah, Al-hamdu Lillah  (7)
Allah is Great, Glory be to Allah, Praise be to Allah

Allahu Akbar, Subhan Allah, Al-hamdu Lillah  (8)
Allah is Great, Glory be to Allah, Praise be to Allah

Allahu Akbar, Subhan Allah, Al-hamdu Lillah  (9)
Allah is Great, Glory be to Allah, Praise be to Allah

Allahu Akbar, Subhan Allah, Al-hamdu Lillah (10)
Allah is Great, Glory be to Allah, Praise be to Allah

Allahu Akbar, Subhan Allah, Al-hamdu Lillah (11)
Allah is Great, Glory be to Allah, Praise be to Allah

Al-hamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!

May NOOR Mowlana Hazar Imam inspire us to follow the Right Path and achieve a Golden Noorani Didar in this life time. Ameen.

Haizinda — Qayampaya
(Our Present Imam is Living and His NOOR is Eternal)

Peace, light, barakat, tayid and Golden Noorani didar,
Noorallah Juma
June 1, 2005

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