
Towards the Inner Vision of the Truth


"So believe in Allah and His messenger and the light which We have revealed. And Allah is Informed of what ye do." — Holy Qur'an 64:8

40 Luminous Prayer Cards to Expand the Spiritual Heart and Create Inner Peace

Prayer Card No. 30: Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, and Pir-Shâh Tasbis

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

Ya Ali Madad. Let us first declare our noble intentions which are listed below. You may add your own list after this. Then we will say the prayer for the day and the anchor prayer.

Ya NOOR Mowlana Hazar Imam, we pray for:

  1. The well being of the whole NOORANI Family
  2. Mushkil Asaan for the global Jamat
  3. Material, spiritual & intellectual upliftment of the global Jamat
  4. Salvation of all departed souls
  5. Peace for the whole humanity
  6. (Add your personal list here, if you wish)

Knowledge Section:

Let us reflect on the 93rd and the 94th beautiful Divine Name:

093 An-Nur The Prime Light He who provides the Divine light to the entire universe; to the faces,
minds and hearts of His devotees.
Yâ Nur
094 Al-Haadi The Provider of Guidance He is the one who guides and leads to success and directs His devotee
to do things beneficial to himself and others.
Yâ Hâdi

Let us reflect on the following wisdoms:

"It is said in a Hadith: "O Ali you are to me as Harun was to Musa, except that after me there will be no Prophet." This is an unanimously accepted Hadith (Bukhari, V, Delhi, 47: Cairo, V, 24)" [Source: A Thousand Wisdoms, Tawil No. 941]

"It is said in a Hadith: "The word wazir is derived from wizr, meaning burden and hence wazir mean the one who carries the burden. This means that just as Hazrat Harun was carrying the burden of spirituality and luminosity (i.e. ta'wil) of the Torah, Mawla Ali was carrying the burden of spirit and spirituality and light and luminosity (i.e. ta'wil) of the Qur'an and still does so in the form of the present attire (jamah-yi hazir) of Imamat, i.e. the present Imam" [Source: A Thousand Wisdoms, Tawil No. 943]

Therefore, for today's session, let us use a bouquet of Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, and Pir-Shâh tasbis to invoke our beloved Mowla for the continual guidance through his NOOR (Light).

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi (4)
(O Mowla! We pray for the continual guidance through your NOOR)

Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi (8)
(O Mowla! We pray for the continual guidance through your NOOR)

Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi (12)

Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi (16)
(O Mowla! We pray for the continual guidance through your NOOR)

Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi (20)
(O Mowla! We pray for the continual guidance through your NOOR)

Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi (24)
(O Mowla! We pray for the continual guidance through your NOOR)

Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi (28)
(O Mowla! We pray for the continual guidance through your NOOR)

Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi (32)
(O Mowla! We pray for the continual guidance through your NOOR)

Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi (36)
(O Mowla! We pray for the continual guidance through your NOOR)

Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi, Yâ Nur, Yâ Hâdi (40)
(O Mowla! We pray for the continual guidance through your NOOR)

Noor Mowlana Aga Ali Shah Maa Baap has said that if a person says 40 beads of Pir-Shâh and bestows the benefit to the whole Jamat, then He will reward him/her the benefit of building a Darkhana. Pir refers to the Light of the Holy Prophet and Shah refers to the Light of Hazrat Ali. At present, NOOR Mowlana Hazar Imam holds the rank of Shah and Pir. Therefore, this tasbi is equivalent to Yâ Muhammad, Yâ Ali.

Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh (4)
(O Mowla! I implore you as the Pir and the Shah of our time)

Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh (8)
(O Mowla! I implore you as the Pir and the Shah of our time)

Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh (12)
(O Mowla! I implore you as the Pir and the Shah of our time)

Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh (16)
(O Mowla! I implore you as the Pir and the Shah of our time)

Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh (20)
(O Mowla! I implore you as the Pir and the Shah of our time)

Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh (24)
(O Mowla! I implore you as the Pir and the Shah of our time)

Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh (28)
(O Mowla! I implore you as the Pir and the Shah of our time)

Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh (32)
(O Mowla! I implore you as the Pir and the Shah of our time)

Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh (36)
(O Mowla! I implore you as the Pir and the Shah of our time)

Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh, Pir-Shâh (40)
(O Mowla! I implore you as the Pir and the Shah of our time)

Al-hamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!

May your noble intentions be fulfilled through the barakat and light of these prayers. Ameen.

Haizinda — Qayampaya
(Our Present Imam is Living and His NOOR is Eternal)

Peace, light, barakat, tayid (spiritual help), zaheri-noorani and batini-noorani didars,
Noorallah Juma

40 Luminous Prayer Cards