Salman Spiritual
Towards the Inner Vision of the Truth
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"He it is Who blesseth you, and His angels (bless you), that He may bring you forth from darkness unto light; and He is ever Merciful to the believers." — Holy Qur'an 33:43


The Holy Imam is the Nuh's Ark of the Present Time


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.


Ya Ali Madad! This post has five parts.


Part 1: The Holy Imam is the Nuh's Ark of the Present Time

In the first post of this series, I listed spiritual and luminous attributes of Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam. In this post, let us explore how is the Holy Imam the Nuh's Ark of the present time.

1. The Holy Imam is Nuh's Ark of the Present Time:
"It is reported by Mawla 'Ali that the Holy Prophet said: "The position of my ahl-i bayt among you is like the Ark of Nuh, whoever embarks upon it is saved and whoever lags behind is drowned." The Holy Prophet has also said: "Acquire knowledge from the learned man ('alim) of my ahl-i bayt, or from one who has acquired knowledge from the 'alim of my ahl-i bayt, so that you may be saved from the fire (of Hell)." By both the Ark of Nuh and 'alim of Ahl-i bayt is meant the Imam of the time, who has been appointed by God and the Prophet to protect people from the flood and the fire of ignorance. It is because of this, that in all the Qur'anic parables the more true knowledge is praised, the more ignorance is condemned."
(Source: Fruit of Paradise, p. 38)
2. How Does One Enter the Nuh's Ark of the Present Time?
"Hazrat Nuh prayed in this wisdom-filled way: "O my Lord! Forgive me, my parents, and he who enters my abode as a (chosen) believer, and the believing men and believing women." The greatest wisdom of this blessed verse is that just as an individual was excluded from the Ahl-i bayt of Hazrat Nuh because of his disobedience, many mu'mins entered and were included in his Ahl-i bayt because of their obedience."
(Source: Fruit of Paradise, p. 180)
3. The Means of Salvation for the Present Time:
"According to a Hadith, Hazrat Nuh's Ark is an example of the Ahl-i bayt of the Prophet. Let us examine a connected wisdom from the Wise Qur'an: "Then We delivered him and the people of the Ark and We made a sign for the people (of the world)." (29:15). In the light of the above mentioned Hadith, the allusions of this verse are the deluge continues to occur in one form or the other and the people can be delivered only through the Ahl-i bayt of the Holy Prophet. God has kept this means of salvation as a sign forever so that there should not be any lack of means in the religion of Islam, because the religion of nature is complete and perfect and Allah's favour exists in a complete and consummate form (5:3)."
(Source: Fruit of Paradise, p. 180)


Part 2: Teaching of Sayyed Imamshahdin

The following verse is taken from Sayyed Imamshah's Ginan, Hetesu(n) milo maara munivaro:

Recited by Alwaez Rai Shamsuddin Bandali Haji

Eji Bhane Sayyed Imamshah suno rnunivaro
Ane dekho achambe saar
Chheli te naav kaljoogni
Bhai imaani utarshe paar
O Brother: Sayyed Imamshah teaches, listen believers.
Consider this astonishing mystery.
The last ark (boat) is of the present era
(is the Imam of the time)
Brothers, the faithful ones will cross
the ocean of this material existence
(by spiritually entering into the
spirituality and luminosity of the Holy Imam)


Follow this link to see the text, the literal translation of the other verses, and audio of this ginan. These verses of supplication soften, heal and purify the soul, and prepare it for enlightenment.


Part 3: Special Dhikr

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Ya Ali, Mowla Ali;
O Light of Eternal Ali, O Noor Mowlana Shah Karim Al-Hussaini Hazar Imam

Recited by Noorallah Juma

Al-hamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!


Part 4. Angelic Salwat
Let us recite angelic salwats to invoke Divine grace and mercy.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Allâhumâ salli alâ Muhammadin wa âle Muhammad:
O Allah! Bestow Peace on and through Muhammad and his Descendants

33 beads recited by Noorallah Juma


101 beads recited by Noorallah Juma

Al-hamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!


Part 5. Global Prayers and Three Grand Aspirations
Through the barakat of spiritual knowledge, tasbis and angelic salwat by many individuals of the global Jamat, O Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam, bless the global Jamat with:

  1. Spiritual and luminous tayid (help) to advance materially, spiritually and intellectually;
  2. Sunshine in our spiritual hearts and actualization of the inner vision of the Truth;
  3. Empowerment to present a Material Nazrana of time, knowledge and financial resources;
  4. Empowerment to present a Spiritual Nazrana in the form of a pure heart which is in a state of constant dhikr; and
  5. Empowerment to present a Luminous Nazrana in the form of a sound heart (qalb-i salim) which is in a state of constant dhikr and enlightenment.


Haizinda — Qayampaya
(Our Present Imam is Living and His NOOR is Eternal)


Spiritual and Luminous Dimensions