
Towards the Inner Vision of the Truth


"And as for those whose faces have been whitened, in the mercy of Allah they dwell for ever." — Holy Qur'an 3:107


Timeless Batuni-Noorani Didar Preparation Gems for the Global Jamat
Holy Ginan verses, Gems of Knowledge and Special Dhikr

Gem No. 13 :: Higher Spiritual Enlightenment Indicators

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

Ya Ali Madad. We need to do at least ten different activities to prepare for higher spiritual enlightenment and the Holy Didar of our beloved Noor Mowlana Shah Karim Al-Hussaini Hazar Imam (a.s.). Here are ten indicators of higher spiritual enlightenment. The background knowledge for creating these indicators can be obtained by clinking on the appropriate hyperlink.

Higher Spiritual Enlightenment Indicators

  1. Creating Staunch Faith in Noor Mowla Hazar Imam (a.s.)
  2. Sincere Repentance
  3. Submission of Dasond in Full and On Time
  4. Reciting the Holy Dua at Sacred Times
  5. Practising bandagi for higher spiritual enlightenment every morning
  6. Shedding torrential tears of love for the Holy Imam (Giryah-u zâri)
  7. Practising Dhikr in order to present spiritual and luminous nazranas
  8. Performing voluntary service for the Holy Imam, his Jamat and his institutions
  9. Being Imam conscious & ethical
  10. Recognizing the Light of the Holy Imam

Higher Spiritual Enlightenment Indicator Test Questions

Indicator No. 1: Creating Staunch Faith in the Holy Imam

Now it is the time to conduct a self assessment by answering the following question:

At its highest level, faith is or becomes light ('Iman Noor chhe'; Source: Ruhani Raaz Gujrati firman book, p. 59), and is given a rating of 10, and not having faith in the Holy Imam at all is rated as zero, where do I stand?

If the answer is less than 10, that means that there is room for improvement. If once practices our Holy faith with conviction, then the score can improve over days, weeks or months!

Click here to find ways to improve your knowledge and score on this indicator! Also, please re-assess your score after you have read the contents of the above-mentioned web page.

Indicator No. 2: Sincere Repentance

Now it is the time to conduct a self assessment by answering the following question:

If the sincere repentance of our Holy Prophets and Holy Pirs (weeping over sins and taking a vow not to commit the same sins again) is given a rating of 10, and not repenting at all is rated as zero, where do I stand?

If the answer is less than 10, that means that there is room for improvement. This is a very important matter because if it is left undone, the weight of the sins exceeds the weight of good deeds from the perspective of the soul. This leads to darkness.

Click here to find ways to improve your knowledge and score on this indicator! Also, please re-assess your score after you have read the contents of the above-mentioned web page.

Indicator No. 3: Submission of Dasond

Now it is the time to conduct a self assessment by answering the following question:

If the submission of dasond in full and on time is given a rating of 10, and not submitting dasond at all is rated as zero, where do I stand?

If the answer is less than 10, that means that there is room for improvement. Dasond is the foundation of our faith. This is the reason we pray continually to be staunch in this practice.

Click here to find ways to improve your knowledge and score on this indicator! Also, please re-assess your score after you have read the contents of the above-mentioned web page.

Indicator No. 4: Reciting the Holy Dua on time with congregation, i.e. in Jamat Khana, in the morning and the evening

Now it is the time to conduct a self assessment by answering the following question:

If the recitation of the Holy Dua at the sacred time with the congregation, i.e., in Jamat Khana, both in the morning and the evening, is given a rating of 10, and not reciting Dua at all is rated as zero, where do I stand?

If the answer is less than 10, that means that there is room for improvement. If one develops conviction, the score can improve over days, weeks or months!

Click here to find ways to improve your knowledge and score on this indicator! Also, please re-assess your score after you have read the contents of the above-mentioned web page.

Indicator No. 5: Practising bandagi for higher spiritual enlightenment every morning

Now it is the time to conduct a self assessment by answering the following question:

If practising bandagi for higher spiritual enlightenment every morning is given a rating of 10, and not practising bandagi at all is rated as zero, where do I stand?

Let us all intensify our personal search for higher spiritual enlightenment through the practice of bandagi as we approach the Darbar in Canada!

Please reflect deeply on the following excerpt of Baitul Firman of Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam made in 1966 during his visit to East Africa:

"It is, therefore, through Noor of Ali, Noor of Imamat that you must seek to come closer, to have a better understanding of He who is above all else. This is the meaning of Bandagi, that is the meaning of Baitul Khayal."

Click here to find ways to improve your knowledge and score on this indicator! Also, please re-assess your score after you have read the contents of the above-mentioned web page.

Indicator No. 6: Practising Giryah-u zâri and shedding tears of love with humility, love with recognition and love with graditude for the Holy Imam

Now it is the time to conduct a self assessment by answering the following question:

If shedding tears of love for beloved Mowla given a rating of 10, and not shedding tears of love at all is rated as zero, where do I stand?

Let us all intensify our Giryah-u zâri for higher spiritual enlightenment as we approach the Darbar in Canada!

The ultimate purpose of Giryah-u zâri is tied first to the purification of the soul and creation of humility, followed by the manifestation of higher spirituality within the personal world which empowers the mu'min to use the positive spiritual and luminous energy to serve humanity.

Click here to find ways to improve your knowledge and score on this indicator! Also, please re-assess your score after you have read the contents of the above-mentioned web page.

Indicator No. 7: Practising Dhikr in Order to Present Spiritual and Luminous Nazranas

In his firman to the Canadian Jamat in 2005, NOOR Mowlana Hazar Imam bestowed the dua for sunshine in our hearts. This can be achieved if our hearts reach a state of constant dhikr. Dhikr can empower a mumin to submit spiritual and luminous nazranas to our beloved NOOR Mowlana Hazar Imam. A Spiritual Nazrana takes the form of a pure golden heart which is in a state of constant dhikr while a Luminous Nazrana takes the form of a sound golden heart (qalb-i salim) which is in a state of constant dhikr and enlightenment.

Now it is the time to conduct a self assessment by answering the following question:

If the state of constant dhikr given a rating of 10, and not performing dhikr at all is rated as zero, where do I stand?

Let us all intensify our dhikr as we approach the Darbars in Canada!

Click here to find ways to improve your knowledge and score on this indicator! Also, please re-assess your score after you have read the contents of the above-mentioned web page.

Indicator No. 8: Performing Voluntary Service for the Holy Imam, His Jamat and His Institutions

In his firman to the Edmonton Jamat on April 24, 1983, NOOR Mowlana Hazar Imam said:

"In our Jamat, for centuries, there has been the most admirable tradition of service and this tradition has existed in times of happiness, in times of difficulty and it has been a fundamental pillar in our Jamat, that is, that the spirit of Muslim brotherhood should be made evident, not only in treating each man and each woman as a brother but demonstrating that brotherhood by rendering service, service without remuneration, without recognition, without titles, without social status, simply rendering service."

Now it is the time to conduct a self assessment by answering the following question:

If performing voluntary service with a pure heart for the sake of serving only (i.e., service without remuneration, without recognition, without titles, without social status) is given a rating of 10, and not performing voluntary service at all is rated as zero, where do I stand?

Let us all intensify our voluntary service as we approach the Darbars in Canada!

Click here to find ways to improve your knowledge and score on this indicator! Also, please re-assess your score after you have read the contents of the above-mentioned web page.

Indicator No. 9: Being Imam conscious & ethical

In his firman to the Bombay Jamat on November 27, 1973, NOOR Mowlana Hazar Imam said:

"...That you should have pure souls and clean hearts is fundamental to you, but it is also as fundamental to the Jamat – fundamental in the sense that you will live cleanly, properly and as you should in relation to your families, your Jamats and the country in which you are living. And if you fulfill your material responsibilities and you are ethical in your material lives, it will improve the general condition of the Jamat and it will improve yourselves. Because he who cheats, he who lies, he who behaves in an immoral manner, what is he doing? He is harming not only himself but also the Jamat. And I want you to be well aware that in fulfilling your spiritual and your physical or material responsibilities as you should, you are not only improving your own personal condition but you are improving that of the Jamat as a whole."

Now it is the time to conduct a self assessment by answering the following question:

If perfect taqwa (i.e., a completely purified heart in which the Supreme Name of God is repeating itself continuously and is perfectly Imam conscious) is given a rating of 10, and not having taqwa at all is rated as zero, where do I stand?

Let us all intensify the practice of taqwa as we approach the Darbars in Canada!

Click here to find ways to improve your knowledge and score on this indicator! Also, please re-assess your score after you have read the contents of the above-mentioned web page.

Indicator No. 10: Recognizing the Light of the Holy Imam

In his firman to the Karachi Jamat on December 25, 1964, NOOR Mowlana Hazar Imam said:

"...I pray specially that you should be very strong in your faith, that you should be strong in your understanding the Batuni side of your faith and that above all each and every one of you should have the true spiritual happiness which will be yours if you are able once in your life time to have Noor of Imamat in your hearts."

Now it is the time to conduct a self assessment by answering the following question:

If carrying the Light of Imamat in our foreheads is given a rating of 10, and not do so at all is rated as zero, where do I stand?

Let us fulfill the wish of Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam when he last visited us in 2005. At that time, on June 8, 2005 in Toronto, he said the following to the Canadian and International Jamats: "I give to you once again, each one of you, my most affectionate blessings, my most affectionate blessings. Take them with you for yourselves, your families, your Jamats and I hope you will have sunshine in your hearts. Khanavadan, Khanavadan, Khanavadan."

Click here to find ways to improve your knowledge and score on this indicator! Also, please re-assess your score after you have read the contents of the above-mentioned web page.

Shukranlillah wal hamdulillah! I bow my head, soul and intellect to Noor Mowlana Shah Karim Al-Hussaini Hazar Imam (a.s.) for sending spiritual and luminous tayid for completing this project in some very trying circumstances! All praise is due to the Holy Imam, the Lord of the present and the eternal time (Sahebiz-zamani wal asr)!

Global Prayer:
Ya Ali, Ya NOOR Mowlana Shah Karim Al-Hussaini Hazar Imam, grant us, our families, our Jamats, the worldwide Jamat, the Muslim Ummah, and humanity at large, luminous (noorani) and spiritual (ruhani) tayid (help) to advance materially, spiritually and intellectually.

O Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam bless us with many Holy Batuni-Noorani didars during the Diamond Jubilee year, and empower us to present Material, Spiritual and Luminous Nazranas. Ameen.

Haizinda — Qayampaya
(Our Present Imam is Living and His NOOR is Eternal)

Peace, light, barakat, tayid and a 'golden noorani didar',
Noorallah Juma
Friday, May 12, 2017

Timeless Batini-Noorani Didar Preparation Gems: