
Towards the Inner Vision of the Truth


"Can he who was dead, to whom We gave life, and a light whereby he can walk amongst men, be like him who is in the depths of darkness, from which he can never come out?" — Holy Qur'an 6:122


Transliteration and Literal Translation of Verses Pertaining to Dasond in Pir Hasan Kabirdin's Anant Akhado

Âshâji dio daso(n)d nê Alynê sêvo
to man kariyo vadhâiyu(n)ji
to mahâdan tamnê doyalo na lâgê
bêso shahpirnê pâs
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord Observe the tithe and worship (serve) your Imam
then your mind will become magnanimous
Then on the Day of reckoning you will not feel the
burden of trials and tribulations (you will be shielded)
and you will be sitting in the presence of the Lord
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji mânkhâ avtâr utamaj kidhâ
anê kiyâ so utamaj kâmji
daso(n)d vinâ nichâ kahêvâshê
têni sâ(n)kh na poti âe
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord We have made the human beings for
a very exalted purpose and destiny only
and have assigned only the exalted work for them to do
But without the tithe they will be regarded as lower beings
and their link will not reach the Lord
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji thud daso(n)d nê muaraj dharam
fal tê munivar jânoji
hâl vâykê gatmâ(n)hê gujâro
to poho(n)chê gurnarnê hâth
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord The tithe is the trunk and the roots are the religion
and the fruits are the momins
Offer prayers in the prayer house
so that they will reach the hands of Gur Nar
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji kharâ khotânâ pârkhâ(n) thâshê
tamê munivar chêtinê châloji
daso(n)d vinâ muar ukhdinê jâshe
jashê tê ghor a(n)dhâr
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord There will be an accountability of the true and the false
You momins please be on guard
Without the tithe a momin will be uprooted
and will go to utter darkness
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji pa(n)chmi bâri daso(n)dni kahie
tê sahuthi moti jânoji
tê mâ(n)hê tamê raho hushiyâr
to rahêsho gurnarnê sâth
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord The fifth gateway is created by observance of the tithe
know it as the biggest one
Remain intelligent and alert in this aspect
then you will constantly be with the Shah-Pir
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji kâyâ kachi mul chukâvo
to daso(n)d tanu(n) fal pâmoji
gurnarnê tamê lobhi mat jâno
e chhê sâr shrir
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord The body is raw so fulfil His right (of Dasond)
and you will obtain the fruits of the tithe
Don't regard the Shah-Pir as a miser
He is the Perfect Body (Manifestation)
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji namiâ khamiâ gurjinê bhâvê
anê daso(n)d narjino âhârji
dharam niyam têni vâdaj kahie
gur kahê so âpohi âp
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord The Guide likes humility and patience
and the tithe is the food of the Lord
Remain within the boundary of religious discipline
by being regular for religious duties
and the Guide speaks spontaneously
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji gurgat ga(n)gâmâ(n)hê amêj bêthâ
partak gurnar avtârji
kamâvo jê tamâri roji
tê mâ(n)hêthi daso(n)d âlo
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord We are entirely present in the Gur-Gat-Gangaa (Jamatkhana)
and we are the everpresent Manifestation of the Lord
in the form of Gur-Nar (Shah-Pir)
earn your livelihood (daily bread)
and from it submit the tithe
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji daso(n)d dashmi pâ(n)ti âlo
dosh ma râkho bhâriji
dasê avtârê dasmi pâ(n)ti
emhi daso(n)d likhânI
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord Submit the tenth part (of your earning) as a tithe
do not hold any blame for it as it is very burdonsome
Submit the tenth part to the ten manifestations of the Lord
the tithe is prescribed to be submitted to Him
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji nar nakla(n)ki takhatêj bêthâ
tênê daso(n)d âloji
daso(n)d dêvê tê saragê javê
avar tê sarvê thothâ
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord The pure and perfect Husband is seated
on the throne only (and no where else)
submit the tithe to Him
Whoever submits the tithe goes to the heavens
and the rest are all useless things
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji kalap jugmâ(n)hê daso(n)daj hoti
avar nahi kuchh vichârji
daso(n)d vinâ jê jiv rahêshê
tê fêrâ farê chodhâr
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord From the era of Kalaps the practice of
submitting the tithe has been established
there is no compromise about it
A soul that remains without submitting the tithe
will continue to go into cycles (births) everywhere
and never reach the final destination
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji mur jâlinê murnê ârâdho
to mur thaki tamê pâmoji
kalap jugnâ(n) tamê ginân vichâro
tê moman ridêhmâ(n) ginânaj âno
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord Hold firmly to the roots (the tithe)
and adore them because of the firmly held roots
you will reap the fruits
Reflect upon the knowledge (ginans) of the era of Kalap
and accept only the ginaans in your hearts
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji daso(n)d far dayânu(n) jâno
dil vicharinê châloji
daso(n)d khâi jê moman hoshê
tê hoshê korvâni jod
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord The fruits of tithe are the Lord's mercy (pity) and grace
so reflect upon your hearts and act accordingly
A momin who consumes the tithe
will be in the company of the Korwas
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji dha(n)dho karvâ duniyâmâ(n)hê âvyâ
lêvâ âp didârji
nav pâ(n)ti tamê lainê châlo
dasmi narjinê âlo
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord You have come to the world to earn your livelihood
and to take your spiritual vision
Take nine parts (from your earnings) and live from it
submit the tenth part to the Imaam
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji sunkârmâ(n)hê tap nâ kahie
tiyâ(n) daso(n)d dêtâji
nur nar to târê eklâ rahêtâ
tyâthi hui daso(n)d
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord In the primordial void when there was only contemplation
(upon the universe) by the Lord
At that time submission of the tithe was there
The Lord of light was alone at that time
since then the principle of the tithe has come down to us
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji sunkârmâ(n)hêthi rachnâ kidhi
tis din daso(n)d likhâniji
gur ginân vêd vichâro
to daso(n)d vinâ nahi chhuto
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord From the primordial void the Lord created the universe
It is from that day the practice of the tithe has been established
If you reflect upon the guidance of the Guide and the
scriptures including the ginaans and the vedas
you will realise that without the tithe,
the salvation of the soul is not possible
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji daso(n)d dêvê nê sidakê rahêvê
ehi moman sâchâji
âdo mârag têonê nâ(n)hi
nê bhetyâ shâhnâ didâr
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord A person who submits the tithe
and remains steadfast (in religion)
he is indeed a true momin
Such a person will not stray on to the wrong path
and he is embraced by the spiritual vision of the Lord
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji shâhnâ didar takahtê bethshê
tiyâ(n) daso(n)dnu(n) puchhêji
Jabrâil tyâ(n) puchhvânê âvê
daso(n)d vinâ sarvê juthâ
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord The Lord's vision will be bestowed
while He is seated on the throne
there he will question regarding the payment of the tithe
The angel Jibraail will be there to question about it
without the tithe everything is false
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji kiriâ kidhi nê dharmê châlyâ
sati huâ apârji
sât saragmâ(n) tê jiv pohoto
pan u(n)cho tê nahi jâya
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord A person who performs the prescribed
rituals and observes outward religious law
such a person is regarded as a great saint
He has reached the seventh heaven
but will not go higher than that (without the tithe)
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji daso(n)d na didhi nê kiriyâ kidhi
tê sati huo apârji
daso(n)d kâran u(n)cho nahi chadio
tênê avi didârni khot
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord A person who does not submit the tithe
but performs all the prescribed rituals
such a person is regarded as a great saint (outwardly)
Without the submission of the tithe this person will not rise higher
and will indeed incur the loss of the Vision
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji thul daso(n)d dio morâ bhâi
to mulê mul samânâji
pachhê dharam virâbhâi tamê karjo
to dârêdâr samây
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord Oh my brothers submit the tithe which functions
as the trunk of the tree (of life) and is the visible part of it
then all the roots will be in place (the inner invisible aspects
of Faith will automatically take care of themselves)
After that if you perform all the outward religious duties
then all the branches will grow spontaneously
(it will be easy and unburdonsome to perform outward duties in life)
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji daso(n)d na dêvê gurnê na mânê
tê nar kiyâ(n) thaki pâmêji
daso(n)d vinâ tê ukhadi jâshê
tê jâshê chovis karod mâhê
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord If a person does not observe the tithe
and does not carry out the orders of the Guide
How can he/she attain (be with) the Master
Without the tithe (and hence without Divine protection)
he/she will get uprooted
and will join the ranks of the 24 crore unliberated souls
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji chhatris karod purâ dharmi
Sri Islâmshâh bhêtyâji
daso(n)d kâran jiv dolâvyâ
tê châlya chovis ghor a(n)dhâr
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord There were 36 crore true believers
who accepted Sree Islam Shah as the Imam of the Time
But because of the non observance of the tithe,
the faith of the souls was shaken
They were 24 crore such souls who were condemned
to the darkness of ignorance-eternal darkness
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji daso(n)d dêvê sidakê rahêvê
hêrân na hoshê soeeji
mârag chhodi so kabhi na jâshê
daso(n)d mul chhê âpanu(n)
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord A person who observes the tithe and remains
steadfast (in his duties)
will indeed never be in trouble
This person will never abondon the Right Path for any other way
the tithe is the right of the Imam of the time
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji daso(n)d vinâ din na jâno
fal sohi na falêji
muar sukâ to fal sarvê sukâ
sukâ dârê dâr
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord Without the tithe there is no religion at all
and nobody is going to reap the fruits without it
If the roots are dry then all the fruits will be dry
and all the branches will be dry
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji sukâ fal so nahi kuchh bhâvê
tênu(n) modhu(n) fitfit thâyêji
khârâ pani sarovar kahie
pitâ(n) taras na jâyê
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord The dried (raw) fruits are never tasteful
and the face of the person eating them becomes very ugly
The lake water is very salty (although it is abundant)
it will never quench one's thirst no matter how much of it is drunk
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji kupâtrê dân khârâ jâno
daso(n)d vinâ nahi lêvêji
kalarmâ(n)hê jêm mêhaj varsê
tênu(n) dhân na thâyê
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord If charity is directed towards a false container-purpose
(any institution other than the Imam's)
The Lord will not accept it as charity without observance of the tithe
It is like rain falling on an infertile ground
and the charity does not benefit the donor (or the receiver)
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji âl imâm nê pir musalê
dâyam daso(n)d dêvêji
tab so pir musalê kahie
jê karê na man motâI
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord From progeny of the Imam are the honourable Pirs
they always observe the tithe
That is why the Peer is honoured
and he is the one who is not arrogant
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji pêli âl musalê kahie
jo daso(n)d narku dêvêji
araj ba(n)dagisu(n) daso(n)daj dêvê
dêvê âpohi âp
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord The first progeny is regarded as honourable
as it submits the tithe to the Lord
They submit the tithe entirely with supplications and meditations
and they submit spontaneously
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji araj ba(n)dagi kiriyâ karê
anê sidaksu(n) daso(n)d dêvêji
tabi satpa(n)ththi moman kilâvê
sohi didâri âp
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord Whosoever performs supplications, meditations and prescribed rituals
and remains steadfast in the practice of tithe
It is only then that this person can be called a momin on the Right Path
and is indeed the receiver of Your Vision
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji pêli daso(n)d pirê âli
tyâ(n)thi muridê âliji
amârâ vachan jê murid na mânê
tê jâshê ghor a(n)dhâr
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord The first tithe was submitted by the Pir himself
and from then on the murids submitted
Whichever murid does not follow our guidance
will go to utter darkness
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji daso(n)d parmânê sâchâ châlo
karo kiriâ kamâiji
kiriâ karo to mithâ lâgo
to pâmo ana(n)t mêvâ
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord Conduct yourselves faithfully according to the
principles implied by the submission of the tithe
(i.e. sukreet - good deeds)
and perform the rewarding rituals sincerely
By performing the rituals sincerely
you will feel sweet (imbued with love - ishk)
and as a result you will gain the eternal (timeless) rewards
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji Sâhêbdin garib vêshê
fakiri puri râkhiji
sufal tênê daso(n)daj didhi
to pâyâ din rahêmân
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord Pir Saahebdin took on a very poor outward form
and maintained complete simplicity of life
He observed the tithe entirely in a rewarding manner
so he was blessed with the religion of the Merciful Lord
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji Pir Sadardin buzarag kahie
so bâr korodinâ dhaniji
kaljugmâ(n)hê jivdâ târyâ
sâchi daso(n)d âli
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord We regard Pir Sadardin as noble and distinguished
as he was the master of twelve crore souls (he saved them)
He liberated the souls in the present era
and practised the tithe in a proper manner
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji âl Sadardin Pir Hasan Kabirdin
kahê sohi ginânji
hamtam sarvê daso(n)d dêvê
to poho(n)cho shâhnê duâr
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord The son of Pir Sadardin is Pir Hasan Kabirdin
He is the one who is expounding the (current) ginan
(divine knowledge and wisdom in these verses)
If we all observe the tithe
we'll reach the abode of the Lord
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji hamtammâhê nahi kuchh vinâsh
jo hoshê kiriyâ sâriji
daso(n)d dêtâ jivaj chhutê
poho(n)chê sarag duâr
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord There will not be any damage in
the relationship between me and You
if the prescribed rituals are perfect and pure
(done with the correct intentions)
By observing the tithe the entire soul gets freed
and reaches the doorstep to heaven
Hari You are eternal ........................................
Âshâji daso(n)d dêvê nit nit lêvê
dânpun sohiji
bhavsâgarnâ fêrâ chhutê
jo dêvê daso(n)d dân
Hari ana(n)t ....................................................
Oh Lord A person who observes the tithe and
reaps the fruits thereof everyday
is indeed observing the religious duties (correctly)
The person is freed from the repeated bonds
of this worldly existence
if he/she observes the charity of the tithe
Hari You are eternal ........................................

Peace, light, barakat and tayid,
Noorallah Juma
Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2003

Foundation of Faith