"Lo! the righteous verily are in delight, On couches, gazing, Thou wilt know in their faces the radiance of delight." — Holy Qur'an 83:22-24
:: Batini-Noorani Bandagi Gem No. 10: How to concentrate in Bandagi? ::
Feb. 28, 2025
Ya Ali Madad! This post has five parts.
Part 1. Knowledge Section on Bandagi:
In one of his teachings, Imam Noor Mowlana Sultan Muhammad Shah (a.s.) has talked about the technique to concentrate in bandagi. Mowla has advised us to start by just concentrating for one minute. Then, on the next day, concentrate for two minutes. In the due course, one should be able to concentrate for 30 minutes and then for 60 minutes. Mowla has also said that if you cannot concentrate for one minute in one day, then try to concentrate for one minute over 4 days. Then follow the process outlined above. The key to success in bandagi is to eliminate worldly thoughts and concentrate on name, for example, Ya Ali.
In order to concentrate, it is necessay to say something and listen to it. For example, let us close our eyes and recite Ya Ali 5 times loudly and keep our ears tuned to it. Let us do this together:
Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Ya Ali (5)
The purpose of this exercise is to make sure that you are listening to what you are saying. Could we please try to do this again? For the second time, let us recite Ya Ali 10 times loudly and keep our ears tuned to it. Let us do this together:
Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Ya Ali (5)
Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Ya Ali (10)
Now let us do the same exercise silently. With our eyes closed, we will say the word with our inner tongue and listen to it with our inner ear. For example, let us recite Ya Ali 5 times silently and keep our inner ears tuned to it. Let us do this together:
Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Ya Ali (5)
The purpose of this exercise is to make sure that you are listening with you inner ear to what you are saying with your inner tongue. Could we please try to do this again? For the second time, with our eyes closed, let us recite Ya Ali 10 times silently and keep our ears tuned to it. Let us do this together:
Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Ya Ali (5)
Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Ya Ali (10)
I hope you are getting the hang of it. If you try to do this for an extended period, you may still notice that other thoughts are still coming in.
Before, I can explain how to eliminate these thoughts, let me give you a physical example. Supposing you are walking along a street and you notice that somebody is following you. One action that you may take is to increase your pace of walking. If the person following also increases his pace, then you might even consider running. The purpose of you action is to increase the speed so that you may shake off the person who is following you.
Similarly, thoughts come in when the initial pace of reciting the name is slow. Therefore, let us try this exercise by reducing the gap between Ya and Ali, and also between Ali and Ya. With our eyes closed, let us try this and recite Ya Ali 10 times silently by eliminating the gaps in this special dhikr and also keep our ears tuned to it. Let us do this together:
Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Ya Ali (5)
Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Ya Ali (10)
Please repeat this exercise with your eyes closed and try to extend this chain to 15 seconds, then to 30 seconds, then to 45 seconds and then to 1 full minute. Even if you say one Ya Ali per second, you will get a count of 60 in one minute. If the thoughts are coming in, then try to increase the pace and to two beads of Ya Ali per second and you will notice that the disturbing thoughts are being reduced. Keep on practising and adjust the rate till you can concentrate on Ya Ali for one full minute. Please note that breathing in and out does not come into play with this exercise.
So now let us do the homework which Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah (a.s.) has given to us. The objective is to sit in concentration and increase the length of the concentration gradually till we can sit in full concentration for 60 minutes!
Finally, with your eyes closed, just look into the area between your eye brows, i.e., your inner eye. Be humble, patient and happy that you are performing bandagi. You have played your part and Mowla will do his part in his own way at his own time. Relax, be happy and search for that light!
Part 2. Dhikr Section:
Here is a dhikr track to invoke two additiuonal attributes of the Light of Eternal Ali which is manifest in our present and living Imam, Noor Mowlana Shah Karim Al-Hussaini Hazar Imam (a.s.):
Let us reflect on the 55th and 42nd beautiful name of Allah:
001 | Ar Rahmân | The Beneficent | He who gives blessings and prosperity to all beings without showing disparity | Yaa Rahmân |
002 | Ar Rahim | The Merciful | He who gives blessings and prosperity, particularly to those who use the Divine gifts as Allah has directed; and He is merciful to believers in the hereafter too | Yaa Rahim |
Let us reflect on the wisdom pertaining to the word 'Rahmân' (Most Beneficent, Most Kind):
"It is mentioned in verse (21:107): "And we sent you not but as mercy unto the worlds (personal worlds)." According to Imam Jafar as-Sadiq, by worlds are only meant human beings and human beings are born in all times. Thus, the holy Prophet is made the treasure and centre of mercy or the universal mercy for the cycles of Prophets as well as for the cycle of Imams. Therefore, the holy Prophet, according to his own blessed words, is the chief of Prophets. If someone is truly the leader of his community, then he is chief in word and deed. That is, the true chief is the one who benefits the community in every respect."
[Source: Tawil No. 385, A Thousand Wisdoms]
For today's session, let us use the Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim tasbi to appreciate the Lord's kindness and mercy upon the individual personal worlds of all human beings.
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim
O the Most Kind and the Most Merciful Lord
of individual personal worlds of all human beings
Al-hamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!
Part 3: Transliteration and Literal Translation of Pir Hasan Kabirdin's Anant Naa Nav Chhugaa
Chhugo Number: 5
Feb. 28, 2025
Āshāji | nāri hirakhē ardās karē chhē suno ka(n)th bharthārji utam nāri jēnē naraj lāvyā tē karvā jivu(n)nā kām Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
6 |
Oh Lord | The wife supplicates happily listen to what I have to say Oh Husband The best wife is the one who brought her husband only to perform the work of the souls Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
6 |
Āshāji | utam nāri jē thainē avtari tē karē chhē sahunā kāmji kutu(n)m parivārnē tē tārē jē thai tribhovarni nār Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
7 |
Oh Lord | The best wife has manifested and is performing everybody's work She saves her family and relatives and she has become the wife of the three worlds Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
7 |
Āshāji | e to gat parivār sahunē tārē ugārē tē jivu(n) apāraji jē tribhovar sāmini nār thai rahi tē gat anantnē utārē pār Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
8 |
Oh Lord | She is the one who saves all her fellow companions of the congregation and she saves them in a limitless manner The one who remains the wife of the Lord of the three worlds saves the congregation of countless souls Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
8 |
Āshāji | pāki nāri tamāri pragati tē karvā anatni sārji tē to nāri anantnē odhārsē utārē sahu(n) jivu(n)nē pār Hari ana(n)t ................................... |
9 |
Oh Lord | Your ripened (matured) wife has manifested to perform the good of the eternal (souls) This wife will save the countless (souls) and will enable all souls to cross the limits of material existence to eternity Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
9 |
Āshāji | e purakh to manē bhētyo hu(n) jāu(n) tēni balahāriji Pir Hasan Kabirdin sachu(n)aj bolyā sāmi nārini karjo sa(m)bhār
hari ana(n)t ana(n)t |
10 |
Oh Lord | Such a perfect entity embraced me and I went to him as His slave Pir Hasan Kabirdin has spoken the truth only Oh Lord look after the (devoted) wife Hari You are eternal; ........................ |
10 |
Part 4. Angelic Salwat
Let us recite angelic salwats to invoke Divine grace and mercy.
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Allâhumâ salli alâ Muhammadin wa âle Muhammad:
O Allah! Bestow Peace on and through Muhammad and his Descendants
Al-hamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!
Part 5. Ardent Global Prayers
O Noor Mowlana Hazar Imam: bless the global Jamat with spiritual and luminous tayid (help) to advance materially, spiritually and intellectually; and create sunshine in our hearts and bless all of us with the inner vision of the Truth.
Haizinda — Qayampaya
(Our Present Imam is Living and His NOOR is Eternal)
Eighteen Bandagi Gems